United Right-Wing Demands as Coalition Talks AdvanceAs coalition talks progress, and parties have to prepare their ‘wish list’; their list of demands for entering the coalition, United Right-Wing list leader Rafi Peretz is demanding the education portfolio for himself and the justice portfolio for the second person on the party lineup, MK Betzalel Smotrich.

Former Coalition Chief Demands that Netanyahu Appoint Him to Ministerial PostFormer coalition leader MK (Likud) David Bitan has informed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that he expects to be appointed to a ministerial post in the new coalition. He adds that if he is not appointed, he will not accept any other position.

El Al Reports Over 250 Employees Have Been Vaccinated against MeaslesThe 43-year-old El Al flight attendant who contracted measles during a flight from New York is suspected of having brain damage due to the complications that resulted from the illness.
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16 Suspects Arrested in Counter-Terrorism Operations in Yehuda, Shomron & the Jordan ValleyIDF soldiers working with police, border police and ISA (Israel Security Agency/Shin Bet) agents arrested 16 PA (Palestinian Authority) residents suspected of involvement in acts of terror and/or violent confrontations against security forces.

Leading Dati Leumi Educators Fear Giving Education Portfolio to Rabbi PeretzLeading educators in the dati leumi community are fearful that the chairman of Bayit Yehudi, Rafi Peretz, will become the next education minister. They feel that while they have respect for him, Rabbi Peretz lacks the experience required to deal with the political realities of the post, which they feel he lacks.

IDF Emphasizes “No Progress” Made in Locating Body of Israeli Spy Eli CohenThe IDF Spokesperson on Monday, Chol Hamoed Pesach, put out a statement denying any progress in locating the body of legendary Israeli spy Eli Cohen.
There were several reports last week claiming that Russian officials had taken Cohen’s remains out of Syria, where he was executed more than five decades ago.

Fire Department Issues Order that Religious Men Can Keep Beards During SefirahRegional Comissioner (Tafsar) of Israel’s Fire Department Aryeh Regev issued a letter on Sunday clarifying that any fire fighter who maintains a religious lifestyle is allowed to grow a beard during the days of Sefiras Ha’Omer.

Arab MKs Fuming Over Calls To Probe Election Fraud At Arab Polling StationsArab MKs from the Hadash-Ta’al and Ra’am-Balad parties had harsh words for the chairman of the Central Election Committee, Justice Chanan Meltzer, as Meltzer has called on Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to launch an investigation into alleged widespread election fraud in the Arab sector.

Israel’s Health Ministry Rates The Most Infectious Hospitals In The CountryBetween 4000 and 6000 Israelis die annually in as a result of contracting infection in one of the nation’s hospitals, including infections which do not respond to antibiotics. This number is larger than the number of Israelis killed in vehicular accidents and terrorist attacks combined.

Elderly Woman Who Fell On A Kavim Bus Awarded NIS 440,000A 90-year-old woman who got onto a Kavim Company bus and then fell as a result of the driver pulling out of the station before she could be seated, will be compensated.
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