Only a handful of people know the location of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, according to sources from the terror group who spoke with London-based newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat. “A very small circle of no more than two or three people at most knows his whereabouts and secures his various needs, as well as ensuring his communication with the movement’s leaders inside and outside,” one source told the paper. Despite Israeli efforts to target Hamas leaders, Sinwar remains elusive.

The IDF is collecting data on working Chareidi youth, Kan News reported on Wednesday. According to the report, the IDF will try to meet the initial goal of recruiting 3,000 Charedim this year without creating a major clash with yeshivos. Therefore it collected information from income-tax data about Chareidim who are working and at the first stage, it will send draft orders to Chareidim who are not learning full-time. Following the Supreme Court’s ruling last week mandating the draft of bnei yeshivos and the halt of funding to yeshivos, the office of Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara wrote a letter to the IDF demanding that it immediately implement the Court’s ruling.

The IDF has demolished the home of Ahmed Dawabsha, a 21-year-old Palestinian accused of murdering 14-year-old Binyamin Achimeir in a West Bank terror attack in April. Achimeir went missing while shepherding near the outpost of Malachei Shalom on April 12, and his body was found the next day. Dawabsha, a resident of the West Bank town of Duma, was arrested on April 22 and charged with Achimeir’s murder last month. According to prosecutors, the attack was inspired by the Islamic State jihadist movement. The IDF demolished Dawabsha’s home in Duma overnight, citing a policy of demolishing the homes of Palestinians accused of carrying out deadly terror attacks, which aims to deter future terrorists.

A discharged soldier was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly murdering a Nukhba terrorist on October 7th and brought to the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, where the police requested an extension of his arrest, Channel 12 reported. According to the report, a police investigator accused the soldier: “You interrogated a terrorist in the field, then shot him in the head. That’s why you are suspected of murder.” The soldier replied: “I didn’t murder any terrorist but I eliminated the terrorists who shot at us.” The report was later taken down but not before it was quoted by every other media outlet. The police later slapped a gag order on the case and there are likely details that are unknown about the case. Some social media reports said that three soldiers were arrested.

State Attorney Amit Aisman asked Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara to launch a criminal investigation against National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir for allegedly inciting violence against the residents of Gaza, Kan News reported on Tuesday evening. According to the report, the request is intended to satisfy the International Court of Justice at the Hague that Israel is investigating Israeli officials for statements inciting “genocide.” The State-Attorney and Attorney-General’s Office responded to an inquiry on the matter by stating: “As the State of Israel informed the International Court of Justice in The Hague, all statements on the matter that could amount to a criminal offense are being examined.

The Movement for Quality Government in Israel is urging the defense minister, IDF chief of staff, and attorney general to immediately begin issuing conscription orders to ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students, following last week’s High Court ruling that the state must draft such men. In a letter, the movement wrote, “You have the urgent obligation to begin equitable conscription in accordance with the Law for Security Service, specifically for 63,000 haredi yeshiva students for whom recruitment procedures have not yet been taken, or whose service was [previously] postponed.” The letter notes that despite the High Court ruling, no conscription orders have been sent to the 63,000 yeshiva bochurim who are obligated to enlist.

A preliminary investigation by the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate into the October 7 Hamas invasion and slaughter in southern Israel has found that there were sufficient indications of the imminent attack to have prevented the catastrophe. The findings, presented to Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, suggest that warning signs were ignored, and that the tragedy could have been averted. Sources familiar with the probe told Channel 12 that there were signs ahead of the attack that should have “lit up all the red lights” and that “we’ve mobilized various fronts in the past on less than this.” The investigation found that the IDF Gaza Division had assessments from 2018 until October 7 that could have been used to prevent the attack.

The Hezbollah terror group announced today that a senior commander, Muhammad Nimah Nasser, also known as Abu Nimah, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. According to a statement from Hezbollah, Nasser was from the town of Haddatha and was killed “on the road to Jerusalem,” a term the group uses to refer to Israeli strikes. The strike occurred in the coastal city of Tyre. Nasser was a commander of Hezbollah’s Aziz regional division in southern Lebanon. It is rare for Hezbollah to refer to its senior operatives killed in Israeli strikes as commanders, showing that Nasser’s death is a significant loss for the group.

The Israeli who was murdered by a terrorist in a stabbing attack in a mall in Karmiel on Wednesday was identified by the IDF as Aleksandr Yakiminsky, H”yd, 19, from Nahariya. Yakiminsky, z’l, who was in uniform but off-duty at the time of the attack, served in the 71st Battalion of the 188th Brigade. Another soldier from the same battalion, also in uniform, was seriously wounded in the attack. Yakiminsky died a hero – after being stabbed in the neck, he managed to chase the terrorist, shooting and neutralizing him. He then collapsed on the floor. Paramedics who arrived at the scene performed CPR and tried to save his life. He was evacuated to the hospital where doctors fought to save his life. Sadly, his death was pronounced a couple of hours later.

Anas Saleh, the pro-Hamas activist who ordered “Zionists” to identify themselves on the New York subway and told them “Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out,” was arraigned in New York Tuesday morning, and the Manhattan DA is now officially prosecuting him, with his next court date scheduled for August 12. At least one woman told authorities she left the train out of fear she would be attacked. His lawyer is one Moira Meltzer-Cohen, who shamefully used her Jewishness to try and get the case thrown out by the judge, who thankfully didn’t bite.
