Aproximately 40 rockets were launched from Lebanon towards the Galilee, a few minutes ago. The Iron Dome intercepted several of the rockets. No injuries have been reported. This significant barrage follows an IDF operation that resulted in the death of a Hezbollah terrorist in southern Lebanon. The video below is absolutely horrifying. It was taken by a woman trying to take shelter next to her car. The video shows the sheer terror that Israelis are living through. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Hospitals in northern Israel are currently completing the final preparations for a possible war against Hezbollah. The Health Ministry issued instructions to hospital officials regarding the necessary preparations for two possible scenarios: disconnection from the electrical grid and a “desert island” scenario in which the hospital is cut off from its access roads, making it difficult for employees, patients, food and medical supplies to reach it. Ynet reported that Health Ministry officials told hospital administrators last week to stockpile blood supplies for six days instead of four. According to the report, Rambam Hospital, as the largest hospital in the north, would receive a significant number of the injured, chalilah, in the event of a war.

Top Israeli government and security officials are reviewing  a comprehensive plan from four Israeli academics for transforming and rebuilding Gaza after Hamas, which emphasizes the need for a total defeat of the terrorist group and a focus on deradicalization, rehabilitation, and institution-building. The 28-page document stresses that Israel’s success depends not only on military and diplomatic efforts but also on its ability to “rehabilitate and transform a nation that was led by a murderous ideology” and create stable institutions and a culture that accepts Israel’s existence.

A 24-year-old chassidish avreich who lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh Daled was arrested overnight Wednesday for alleged involvement in a serious case of espionage for Iran. According to the neighbors, a large number of police forces raided his home in the early hours of Thursday morning, arresting him and taking him for an interrogation. He was brought before the court early Thursday afternoon for an extension of his arrest. The shocked neighbors told Chareidi media outlets that they are sure there must be some mistake as the suspect is a serious avreich from a known family. One neighbor told Chareidim10 said that the chassid is a computer expert and perhaps unknowingly worked for someone with ties to Iran. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced significant progress in resolving issues related to American weapons shipments to Israel, following a series of meetings with top US officials in Washington. In a video statement, Gallant summarized his discussions with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, saying, “During the meetings, we made significant progress, obstacles were removed, and bottlenecks were addressed” on several issues, including the supply of munitions.

In a fiery response to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s accusations of Western powers backing Israeli plans to attack Lebanon, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz labeled Erdogan a “war criminal”. “Erdogan announced his support for Hezbollah against Israel’s threats,” Katz wrote on social media. “Erdogan is a war criminal who slaughters innocent Kurds across the Syrian border and tries to deny Israel its right to self-defense against a terror organization attacking from Lebanon under Iran’s orders.” Katz concluded his statement with a stern rebuke, saying “Be quiet and shame on you!” Erdogan has been a vocal critic of Israel’s military actions in Gaza, particularly following the devastating attack by Hamas on October 7.

An IDF soldier was killed and 16 soldiers were injured, one seriously, by roadside bombs in Jenin overnight Wednesday. The soldier was identified as Cpt. Alon Sacgiu, H’yd, 22, from Hadera. He served as the squad commander of the Charuv Reconnaissance Unit of the Kfir Brigade. IDF forces were carrying out a counterterrorism operation in Jenin. As per protocol, engineering forces entered Jenin first with armored bulldozers to “shave the asphalt” and uncover any hidden roadside bombs. Nevertheless, an APC then entered and was hit by a deeply planted large bomb, causing minor injuries. Another APC with medical forces arrived at the scene to treat the wounded and another large bomb exploded, causing serious injuries and leading to the death of Sacgiu, H’yd.

The Zakein Chevrei Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Maya, said on Tuesday evening, hours before the Supreme Court’s ruling mandating the recruitment of bnei yeshivos, that even bochurim who aren’t learning cannot serve in the IDF due to ruchniyus issues. Speaking to Kol B’Ramah, he said: “Even a bochur who isn’t learning in yeshivah cannot serve in the IDF. Whoever goes to the army today comes out as a mechallel Shabbos.” He then sharpened his tone further, saying: “Serving in the army is a transgression of religion. There’s a clear halacha that tells us that it’s assur for a ben yeshivah to serve in the army. If they enter the yeshivos to recruit us – we’ll fight it.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met with US Senator John Fetterman in Jerusalem on Wednesday Fetterman arrived on his first visit to Israel on Tuesday and met with President Isaac Herzog. Following the visit, Netanyahu’s office said the prime minister thanked Fetterman for his visit “and his consistent support of Israel. The Prime Minister told the Senator that his standing up to pro-Palestinian demonstrators while waving an Israeli flag, was courageous and heart-warming.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Following the Supreme Court’s ruling on Tuesday mandating the draft of bnei yeshivos and the halt of funding to yeshivos, a senior member of the coalition told Channel 14 that Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara’s legal basis for stripping funding from yeshivos and kollelim rests on an extremely shaky foundation. Despite that fact, the Supreme Court judges supported the Attorney-General’s stance, which is based on a few words in a clause of the Military Service Law that implies, according to the Attorney-General, that in the absence of a law, a ben yeshivah must report to the draft center on his own initiative – and if he does not do so – “he does not fulfill the order of the legislator to fulfill his duty” and support money cannot be transferred to him.
