The Hamas terror group announced on Monday morning that its representative in Lebanon, Fateh Sherif Abu Al-Amin, was killed in an IDF strike in the south of the country. According to the statement, he was killed in an attack on his home in the Al-Bass “refugee camp” in southern Lebanon. Abu Al-Amin, also known as Fathi Al-Sharif, was the chairman of the UNRWA teachers’ organization in Lebanon. Hamas described him as the movement’s leader in Lebanon and a member of the leadership abroad. According to the National News Agency in Lebanon, this is the first time the Al-Bass “refugee camp” has been attacked. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

UTJ MK Yitzhak Pindrus spoke from the Knesset podium on Sunday and said Moody’s decision to lower Israel’s credit rating was due to the budget cuts to yeshivos. Moody’s on Friday downgraded Israel’s credit rating two notches to “Baa1” from “A2.” According to Pindrus, the cost of the rating downgrade is 350 million shekels. “The actual amount that will be affected by the downgrade and the cost of credit is of 350 million shekels, not seven billion,” Pindrus said. “There’s a midrash about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai who convinced his nephews to give tzedaka. By year-end, the minister came and asked them for a tax – and jailed them. The family came to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and told him about it. Rabbi Shimon replied: ‘Check how much they actually gave in charity.

HaGaon HaRav Yehuda Aryeh Dinner, the Rav of the Divrei Shir kehilla in Bnei Brak, shared a story in his weekly shiur. HaRav Dinner began by addressing the constant nissim seen in Eretz HaKodesh in recent weeks and months. “How fortunate we are, how good is our portion, that Hakadosh Baruch Hu protects us like a father protects his son and shields us from all evil,” HaRav Dinner said. “We see nissim with our own eyes – how the enemies try again and again to harm us, chas v’chalilah, and their schemes fail. Many times, they themselves end up getting killed by the various explosives and missiles they prepare to launch at Eretz  Yisrael.

How has Israel pulled off such stunning and far-reaching operations in Lebanon in the past two days, culminating with the elimination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday? The New York Times revealed details about Nasrallah’s elimination, saying that Israeli intelligence had successfully penetrated Hezbollah’s inner circle. The paper notes that within a few weeks, Israel decimated the senior and mid-level ranks of Hezbollah, leaving the organization reeling. This success, it stated, is a direct result of Israel’s decision to invest significant effort in intelligence on Hezbollah following the Second Lebanon War in 2006. The 34-day war ended with a ceasefire brokered by the UN, allowing Hezbollah, despite heavy losses, to regroup and prepare for the next conflict with Israel.

The IDF on Sunday published photos of F-15i fighter jets taking off from Chatzerim Airbase on Friday to fly to Beirut and eliminate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. The fighter jets dropped bunker-buster bombs on the Hezbollah headquarters in Dahieh, flattening six buildings above the bunker compound where Nasrallah was hiding. The video below shows the crater in the ground formed by the attack:   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that he does not personally care about the “Palestinian issue” during a meeting earlier this year, The Atlantic reports. The conversation, which took place in January in al-Ula, Saudi Arabia, occurred amid ongoing discussions about Saudi Arabia normalizing relations with Israel. According to the report, the Crown Prince expressed that while he might not have personal investment in the Palestinian issue, many young Saudis do care. “Seventy percent of my population is younger than me,” he reportedly told Blinken. “For most of them, they never really knew much about the Palestinian issue. And so they’re being introduced to it for the first time through this conflict. It’s a huge problem.

HaGaon HaRav David Yosef, the Rav of Har Nof, has been elected as the new Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel. He will succeed his older brother, Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, with both brothers now following in the footsteps of their illustrious father, Chacham Ovadia Yosef zt”l. HaRav David Yosef is a a tremendous Gaon and Talmud Chochom, having authored dozens of Seforim on Halacha, the most famous among them titled “Halacha Berurah.” Additionally, he is fluent in multiple languages, including English, and often travels the world delivering Shiurim. Meanwhile, the election for the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi ended in a tie, with all candidates advancing to a runoff scheduled for tonight. The results of this second round are expected to be announced after 11 p.m.

On Sunday afternoon, Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, released photos showing him observing the Israeli airstrikes in Yemen. Notably, the images also reveal Hezbollah and Hamas leadership displayed on a wall nearby. On the left side of the display, Hezbollah’s entire command structure is visible, with the majority of individuals marked with a “Red X,” signifying their elimination. Only three members remain unmarked. On the right side, showing Hamas leadership, the photo of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar bears a “Question Mark,” indicating uncertainty about his status. this leaves many to wonder if the IDF appears to be unsure whether Sinwar is alive or dead.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and New Hope leader Gideon Sa’ar are set to make a joint announcement to the media, revealing Sa’ar’s decision to rejoin the government. This move follows his earlier split from MK Benny Gantz’s National Unity party. DEVELOPING

American bochurim have been receiving texts informing them that they are eligible for a new $500 voucher towards a flight to Eretz Yisroel – if they go there to learn by fourth-year Sukkos or earlier. YWN has confirmed that the texts being received are authentic and legitimate. The voucher, which is part of the broader initiative by roshei yeshiva to close the shidduch age gap, is available for both direct and stopover flights, and all tickets must be booked through H&M Travel Services. Bochurim can contact the agency at 212-434-0203 ext. 209 or ext. 225, or by emailing
