HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein Applauds Chareidi Success; Recites Tehillim To Thank HashemThe unexpected chareidi victory in the election for 21st Knesset resulting in a combined 16 seats for Shas and Yahadut Hatorah was reason for celebration for HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein.

 Trump Congratulates Netanyahu on Re-Election, Tweets Photo of Trump Flags at Likud Victory PartyIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says US President Donald Trump and VP Mike Pence have called to congratulate him on his election win.
Netanyahu’s office issued a statement Wednesday saying Trump called from Air Force One.

 Arab-Thrown Hammer Smashes A Windshield Of A Jewish Vehicle(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
Students from an Arab school threw a hammer at a passing Jewish vehicle near Maale Amos in Gush Etzion on Wednesday afternoon.
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 8-Year-Old Girl Struck & Killed By VehicleAn 8-year-old girl was R”L struck and killed by a vehicle and on Wednesday afternoon in Elad. The accident occurred on Shemaya Street.
The child was riding a bicycle when she was stuck.
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 More Chareidim and Fewer WomenAs the final results in the election for 21st Knesset appear to have been tabulated, the picture is one of a Knesset with more chareidim; sixteen representatives as compared to thirteen in the outgoing Knesset, as well as fewer women.
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Will Peretz Accommodate Ben-Gvir Or Will He Remain Out Of Knesset?While the final tabulation of votes hasn’t been completed, it appears that the United Right-Wing parties received a total of 5-to-6 seats. Itamar Ben-Gvir, among the heads of the Otzma Yehudit party, was seventh on the combined list and his entry into the 21st Knesset is now dependent on the good will of party chairman Rafi Peretz and number two man on the list, MK Betzalel Smotrich.

 Blue and White Threaten Likud; Lapid Promises to Make Life ‘Miserable’ For Netanyahu [VIDEO]Even though they received nearly the same number of votes as Likud, the Blue and White party were forced to concede defeat as it is next-to-impossible for them to form a left-wing coalition with the current make-up of parties set to enter the next Knesset.
