Turkish president already faced political headwinds amid economic woes; the deadly earthquake scrambles the race, as he seeks to overcome accusations of corruption

On solidarity trip after earthquake, Foreign Minister expresses Israel's condolences, discusses Iranian nuclear program with Turkey's president

Trip comes after Israeli rescue teams, field hospital treat hundreds of survivors of deadly earthquakes

Turkey's ambassador to Israel thanks Home Front Command teams for being among the first on the ground following the devastating earthquake

Irit Lillian, the first ambassador to Ankara since 2018, credits Jerusalem for connecting quickly with Turkish leaders, says coordination is excellent

Doctors, medics, search-and-rescue operators and trauma specialists armed with tons of equipment head to Gaziantep to bolster teams working on the ground

150 search, rescue and medical experts to depart after survey team scans areas affected by deadly earthquake in southern part of country

PM says rescue, medical teams to provide aid to Turkey 'at request of' Ankara; IDF examining means of sending aid to enemy state

Political correspondent Tal Schneider discusses the response to the natural disaster and incitement against the PM, senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur looks at absence of Israeli left

'The State of Israel always stands ready to assist in every way possible,' says Herzog, as Foreign Ministry holds meeting on situation; Gallant notes experience of Israeli rescuers
