Accord now needs domestic approvals, which could be held up because of Israeli coalition's collapse; Israeli carriers still locked out of lucrative market over security spat

Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman reports on the newly minted 'Negev Forum' and travel warnings for Israelis in Turkey; US correspondent Jacob Magid updates us on Biden's visit

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian to hold talks in Ankara days after Israel's Yair Lapid visited, suspected Iranian cell members arrested

Tehran accuses Lapid of trying to 'destroy relations' between Iran and Turkey, day after Israeli foreign minister met his Turkish counterpart in Ankara

Foreign minister thanks Turkish leadership for cooperation to save lives of Israeli visitors; Cavusoglu says talks on returning ambassadors have begun

Israeli firefighting planes dispatched to island after request from Turkish Cypriot authorities, amid warming ties between Jerusalem and Ankara

Upon foreign minister's arrival, Turkey says it arrested Iranians who attempted to kidnap Israelis; Lapid and Cavusoglu may discuss resuming ambassadorial representation

Turkey's chief rabbis say Israeli officials' calls to heed danger have had little effect on expats or city's 15,000-strong local Jewish community

Raised in Turkey, the basketball center is outspoken about human rights violations in his home country and around the world, and believes knowledge of the genocide can unite people

Foreign minister to visit Ankara Thursday for discussions on Iranian terror threat to Israeli travelers; discussions may also be held on reciprocally returning ambassadors
