War comes at challenging time for economy; International Monetary Fund warns world economy faces new uncertainty from war between Israel and Hamas

Organization recognizes strong performance but expects slowdown while citing high inflation and controversial judicial plans, urges political solution

Treasury revises 2023 growth forecast down to 2.7% from 3% as economic slowdown will lower tax revenue this year by NIS 5.3b; sees judicial uncertainty affecting foreign investment

IMF cuts 2023 growth outlook, noting judicial uncertainty could lead to severe financial conditions, hamper investment and consumption; S&P set to affirm credit rating outlook

Ratings agency says country also faces political uncertainty, noting possible upcoming 2023-2024 budget tussle

GDP could contract by 7.2% in 2020 if economic restrictions are reimposed due to coronavirus pandemic, according to forecast

Central bank intends to intervene, for the first time ever, in the corporate bond market, buying bonds for a total of NIS 15 billion, in a bid to aid the pandemic-hammered economy

Report predicts GDP to ease slightly in 2020, 2021, but remain near 3%; forecast sees unemployment rising to 4.3% -- still close to historical low

Globes: Israel's economy grew an annualized 4.1% in the third quarter, far exceeding market expectations of a 2.6%-2.8% increase, Central Bureau of Statistics data shows

The PM often boasts he has turned the Israeli economy into 'a huge success story.' A review of the past decade's figures reveals a different reality, for which Israelis are paying