Founded in 2015, Armis has a platform that protects firms from risks as they connect all manner of devices into their systems

German sports car manufacturer will test out TriEye's advanced camera technology to help improve driving in poor weather conditions

Reflecting on the past decade or two, startup leaders say the information revolution has taught founders to grow their companies rather than seek a quick exit

Besides for a supermarket hummus invasion and the advent of abominations like pumpkin spice hummus, the humble legume makes some long-overdue appearances in surprising forms

From Waze to cancer-busting nano-ghost cells and 3-D printed hearts, The Times of Israel takes a dive into tech that helps us get where we're going and keeps us safe and healthy

In the past 10 years, deals have gotten bigger as founders seek to grow their companies and develop world-changing technologies

Good Night 2019!

While we do not have the whole-year figures, in the first three quarters of 2019 a total of $6 billion of capital was raised by Israeli high-tech companies, according to IVC

The previous year saw fewer deals but a higher valuation; this year, the number of M&A deals worth $400 million-$1 billion more than doubled

Eilat will host 3-month program jointly set up by Rome's embassy in Israel and Italian bank Intesa Sanpaolo's innovation arm

From self-driving vehicles to chips that deliver information faster to spine surgery robots, The Times of Israel takes a look at the mega-bucks acquisitions of the past 10 years
