As Israeli emissaries of Conservative Judaism arrive with supplies in the western city of Chernivtsi, they find fellow Jews in the cold and dark hoping for a miracle to end the war

While the post-Soviet era has seen a gradual reawakening of communal life for the tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews, the once-bustling synagogues and centers are now eerily quiet

Foreign Ministry says it is aware of status of Vladimir Kozlovsky, seen in video filmed and distributed by separatists showing his Israeli ID card

Romaz, now in Poland, intends to head to Israel; says Ukrainian forces have managed to keep the Russian military from taking over the port city

According to reports, Tatiana, Mikhail and Vera Kumok were arrested and then freed by Russian soldiers in Melitopol, a southeastern Ukrainian city under Moscow's control

In Uman, burial site of revered Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, some 30 faithful attempt to keep to their routines, while gathering supplies and preparing for when the war reaches them

Father, an Israeli citizen, reportedly told to pay NIS 30,000 deposit, despite measure being halted; Shaked orders pair to be allowed in the country immediately without payment

Officials believe most of those still remaining in the war-torn country are not interested in leaving or are not allowed to due to current military conscription laws

As Ukrainian and Russian Israelis organize art fundraiser to help refugees, they also contemplate life far from their now-beleaguered homelands

Families leave their homes in face of Russian invasion, crossing into Moldova and then Romania before traveling to Israel
