All elementary, middle and high schools to remain shut until spring holidays, after hundreds infected

WHO chief says spread of COVID-19 disease not yet a pandemic, but rapid outbreaks iItaly, Iran and elsewhere show how quickly situation can change

Rafi Peretz reportedly makes decision without consulting with his ministry's officials; there have been no reports of illness in the European nation

Non-Israelis who visited the 2 Asian countries in past 14 days will be turned away due to virus fears; Israelis returning from Italy, Australia, Taiwan urged to check for symptoms

Airline set to drop inaugural March 11 flight to Japan as coronavirus wreaks havoc on global tourism and company reports significant loss in revenue

One of 11 Israelis who arrived in the morning following quarantine aboard Diamond Princess ship tests positive, after entering 14-day isolation at Sheba Medical Center

Questions raised over Beijing's indecision regarding how to count new cases, which experts say can harm understanding of disease

Group of 11 Israelis let off Diamond Princess cruise-liner to be isolated for 2 weeks under auspices of Sheba Medical Center, amid questions over release of those aboard ship

Passengers greeted on dock by delegation from embassy in Tokyo, will be whisked straight to plane waiting to return them to Israel

Japan health ministry officials says deceased had existing chronic diseases before they were infected with coronavirus; Israeli to be taken to hospital
