National security adviser says regular commercial flights could be available in weeks; Netanyahu says Emirati delegation invited to Israel as security talks launch in Abu Dhabi

PM credits own policies laid out in 1990s for reaching peace, claims US will protect Jewish state's qualitative military edge despite wanting to sell jets to Gulf

'Another step toward regional peace': Pilot of first Tel Aviv-Abu Dhabi passenger flight says hours were shaved off journey by using shorter route

El Al flight 971 to depart Monday morning carrying high-level Israeli and US delegations to Abu Dhabi for two days of talks on civil and economic details of normalization deal

Defense minister appears to reference pending Washington sale of advanced fighter jets to UAE in meeting with visiting American delegation, lauds brokering of normalization deal

Visiting Jerusalem before heading to Emirates with US and Israeli delegations, Jared Kushner says Trump is 'writing a script for a new Middle East'

Request relayed through National Security Council and other mediators, according to report; first-ever commercial passenger flight to take off Monday

Israel Airports Authority announces Monday and Tuesday's scheduled routes -- LY971 and LY972 -- in a nod to international phone numbers for the two nations

US president's son-in-law, senior adviser criticizes basketball players for striking in protest against police violence, says he will contact LeBron James to discuss issue

Ministers told government won't convene on Sunday because of 'diplomatic meetings'; report says Chadian president may also visit Israel next week
