Two men assaulted at bus station after heavily secured march takes place without incident; other suspects also seen lighting pride flag on fire at park

National Security Minister Ben Gvir jeered by parade participants who shout 'Nazis out' at the far-right minister

Anti-LGBTQ, far-right group calls for large counter-rally against 'Abomination Parade'; about 2,000 cops, some undercover, deployed to secure tense event in capital

Nissim Vaturi defends granting of control over vendor-provided curricula in schools to far-right lawmaker Avi Maoz, urges no promotion of any kind of gender identity

Messages by members of extremist Lehava group -- whose leader is an ally of police minister Ben Gvir -- advocate burning, gunning down participants of LGBTQ rights marchers

Far-right national security minister reportedly says he will oversee police activity to secure LGBTQ event, despite long history of protesting it before he entered government

Open House notes police minister's past involvement in counter-protests, role as attorney for the brother of the man who murdered Shira Banki at 2015 march

At festive council meeting to mark unification of city, right-wing officials call members of the community mentally ill

37-year-old resident of Ma'ale Efraim settlement ordered by the court to stay away from LGBTQ events for the rest of the year after he emailed death threats to Jerusalem Open House

Open House director says the June 1 event 'will continue without question,' calls on law enforcement to deal with those targeting event
