Case of Oded Gez has set precedents, with state rabbinate publicizing his name to pressure him; after his 2016 escape under false identity, marriage was annulled in rare step

Meir Gorodetsky became first man to face criminal charges over recalcitrance, is released after completing criminal sentence

Rare consular sanctions imposed against Israeli in southeast Asia who denied his spouse a 'get'

Alan Moher of Manchester loses appeal against decision that ordered him to pay $1.7 million in a lump sum by completion of their civil divorce

Over 11,000 couples formally end their marriages; statistics don't cover divorces for non-Jews in Israel or Jewish citizens who got hitched in civil ceremony abroad

Meir Gorodetsky has been behind bars for nearly 20 years under rabbinical court sanction; now, he'll be held as a criminal, against the wishes of his former wife
