An investigation by the U.S. Education Department found that the University of Michigan and the City University of New York failed to protect the civil rights of their Jewish students, the Education Department announced on Monday. “In OCR’s review of university documentation of 75 reports the university received alleging shared ancestry harassment and/or discrimination from the 2022-23 school year through February 2024, OCR found no evidence that the university complied with its Title VI requirements,” the Department of Education stated of its investigation of University of Michigan. The probe reached the same conclusions about CUNY’s Hunter College.

A New Jersey school district has hired an outside law firm to investigate how and why a Jewish student group was erased from the high school yearbook, with the members’ names omitted from the page and their photo replaced with a picture of a group of Muslim students. East Brunswick Public Schools said the independent review by Brisman Law began Friday and will seek to determine who was responsible, as well as whether it was malicious or a mistake. East Brunswick Mayor Brad Cohen condemned the incident as a “blatant Anti-Semitic act.” “Hate has no place in East Brunswick and antisemitism will not be tolerated,” Cohen said.

A mother and daughter in the Jewish kehilla in Argentina lost their lives in a fire that broke out in their apartment building in Buenos Aires over the weekend. The niftaros were identified as Chana Shmuklerman, a’h, 86, and her daughter Miriam Shmuklerman, a’h, 64. The local media reported that the two lived solitary lives, […]

Iranian Jew Arvin Netanel Ghahremani, 20, was slated to be executed by the Islamic Republic on Monday but Baruch Hashem, his execution has been delayed for a month. The postponement was announced by Rabbi Moshe Margaretten of the Tzedek Association. “Excellent news!” he wrote. “The court system in Kermansha Iran, has granted a temporary reprieve […]

A mother of a Jewish student at the University of California, Los Angeles called the UCLA Police Department to complain that her son is being blocked from entering certain parts of the university due to his Jewish identity. However, the police spokesperson said that there is nothing the police could do as the university has […]

Argentina’s highest criminal court reported a new development Thursday in the elusive quest for justice in the country’s deadliest attack in history — the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center headquarters — concluding Iran had planned the attack and Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group had executed the plans. In a ruling obtained by The Associated […]

Swiss police say the 15-year-old suspect in the stabbing of an Orthodox Jewish man in Zurich over the weekend had appeared in a video expressing solidarity with the banned Islamic State group, and called himself a “soldier” in its self-described caliphate. Zurich cantonal police security chief Mario Fehr told reporters Monday that authorities were investigating […]

The number of antisemitic acts registered in France and Belgium rose sharply since Hamas’ attack on Israel triggered the war in Gaza, according to figures released Thursday in both countries. In France, data from the Interior Ministry and the Jewish Community Protection Service watchdog showed that 1,676 antisemitic acts were reported in 2023, compared to 436 the previous year. According to the Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) — a Jewish security watchdog group — the number of antisemitic acts in the three months that followed the Oct. 7 attack equaled those of the previous three years combined.

A bill to define antisemitism in Georgia law stalled in 2023 over how it should be worded. But a revised version won unanimous endorsement from a key Senate committee Monday, backed by Republican support for Israel in its war with Hamas and a surge in reported bias incidents against Jewish people in the state. “I think the whole world saw what happened on Oct. 7 and the fallout to Jewish communities around the world,” said Democratic state Rep. Esther Panitch of Sandy Springs, the only Jewish member of Georgia’s legislature. She is a co-sponsor of the measure that won the support of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Even after US Jews have become almost inured to hearing about incidents of blatant antisemitism on US college campuses since the Hamas massacre in Israel, the incidents that occurred at American University in D.C. are particularly grievous. A federal civil rights complaint against the university was recently filed on behalf of Jewish students who have […]
