Tonight! Watch Live! Simchas Beis Hashoevah at Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo Achisamach and Yeshivas Ateres Yisroel Ofakim! These Simchos Beis Hashevoah will be broadcasted live from the Yeshivah website! The Simchos Beis HaShoevah of the Ateres Shlomo Network throughout Eretz Yisroel are famed throughout the country and thousands of talmidim, rabbanim, families and friends attend and participate. For the first time ever, per the request of friends and supporters of the yeshivah, the central Simchos Beis HaShoevah will be broadcasted live every Chol Hamoed evening through Hoshana Rabbah. These broadcasts and replays can be watched on the Ateres Shlomo website. Click here to view!
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