The Jewish kehilla in Chile was outraged last week by the publication of an ad for discount alcohol featuring anti-Semite memes, Ynet reported. Chilean alcohol distributor Arbol Verde advertised its discount alcohol with the image of a hook-nosed and hunchbacked Jew wearing a yarmulke rubbing his hands in glee over the dollar bills he’s saving by purchasing the “cheap” alcohol. The Jewish community in Chile numbers about 18,000 people. “It is not the written press of Nazi Germany in 1940, it is today’s Chile publishing in [Las Últimas Noticias] antisemitic caricatures that in other countries would have generated wall-to-wall repudiation! What a shame,” Chilean MP Gabriel Silber tweeted.

Jacki Sundheim, z’l, was the first victim identified following the mass shooting at a July 4th parade in Highland Park, a suburb of Chicago, on Monday. The ZAKA organization reported that an elderly Jewish man was also among the dead. Several other Jewish people were wounded. Highland Park has a high percentage of Jewish residents, including Israelis. The North Shore Congregation Israel in nearby Glencoe announced that Sundheim, z’l, a lifelong member and events coordinator at the Reform synagogue, had been killed in the shooting. “Jacki was a lifelong congregant of NSCI and a cherished member of NSCI’s staff team for decades,” the statement said. “Jacki’s work, kindness and warmth touched us all.” Jacki was survived by her husband Bruce and daughter Leah.

Jonah Handler’s miraculous rescue from one of the deadliest building collapses in U.S. history might seem to have an obvious parallel, given his name. The teenage boy fell from the 10th floor of the beachfront condo tower that collapsed a year ago in Surfside, Florida, killing 98 people, including his mother. He landed in a crevice, trapped inside a pocket amid fallen concrete. A man who had been walking his dog saw Jonah’s hand waving from the rubble and got help. For his father and others, the rescue brings to mind the Old Testament tale of the prophet Jonah, swallowed by a whale sent by God to save him from drowning. “Plucked from the jaws of death,” Neil Handler said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were seen visiting the Kosel on Wednesday with their children. The family landed at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel on Monday morning. There have been no reports on the reason for their visit but it’s possible that it’s a combination family trip/business visit. The Wall Street Journal reported in May that Kushner founded a private equity fund that is investing millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia into Israeli tech companies. חתנו ובתו של הנשיא לשעבר טראמפ הגיעו לביקור פרטי בכותל ולאחר תפילה הטמינו פתק עם בקשות אישיות. @Yoni_Kempinski — ערוץ 7 (@arutz7heb) June 22, 2022 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

An Indonesian art collective’s banner that was widely criticized as containing antisemitic elements was covered up at a major art show in Germany and was to be taken down on Tuesday, officials said. The large installation by Taring Padi, titled “People’s Justice,” drew objections after it was put up in a central square in the city of Kassel as part of the documenta contemporary art show. Criticism centered on the depiction on the banner of a soldier with the face of a pig, wearing a neckerchief with a Star of David and a helmet inscribed with the word “Mossad,” the name of Israel’s intelligence agency. On Monday, the Israeli Embassy in Berlin said it was “appalled by the antisemitic elements” that were being shown in Kassel and called for their immediate removal from the exhibition.

Germany’s president has appealed to the organizers of this year’s documenta fifteen art show to do more to tackle the antisemitism allegations surrounding the event. The show, which takes place every five years in the German city of Kassel and is considered a major event in the international art calendar, is curated this year by the Indonesian group Ruangrupa. The group was accused of inviting organizations from developing countries who support a boycott of Israel because of the country’s treatment of Palestinians. Speaking Saturday at the show’s official opening, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said “there are limits” to what artists can do when they address political issues.

Management consultancy Global HPO's 106-page report suggests racial discrimination, bullying within human rights charity, Jewish News reports

Chabad Rav of the United Arab Emirates Rav Levi Duchman celebrated his engagement this week to Léa Hadad of Brussels. The l’chaim took place on Monday at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights. Rav Duchman has served as a Rav in the UAE since 2015 and prior to that served as a Chabad Rav in Casablanca, Morocco. The Jewish community in the UAE is very excited for the matchmaking celebration of @RabbiUae Rabbi Levi Duchman with his bride Leah Hadad This is a moment in the life for the wonderful community. With an excited and loving heart, wishing for many good years

Venice’s Jewish ghetto is considered the first in Europe and one of the first in the world, and a new effort is underway to preserve its 16th-century synagogues for the Jews who have remained and tourists who pass through. For nearly two years, restorers have been peeling away paint and discovering the original foundations of three of the ghetto’s synagogues, which are considered the only Renaissance synagogues still in use, art historian David Landau said. Landau is spearheading the fundraising effort to restore the synagogues and nearby buildings both for Venice’s small Jewish community, which numbers around 450 people, and for tourists who can visit them on a guided tour through the Jewish Museum of Venice.

As Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro visited Iran over the weekend, a Venezuelan-owned cargo plane was detained by Argentine authorities at Ezeiza Airport in Buenos Aires for alleged ties with Iran’s IRGC Quds Force, the London-based opposition website Iran International reported on Sunday morning. “The government detained in Ezeiza [Airport in Buenos Aires] a Venezuelan plane sanctioned by the United States and withheld the passport of five Iranian crew members,” Aníbal Fernández, Argentina’s security minister, tweeted on Saturday. Fernández’s tweet followed a leak from a local news website about the incident. The Emtrasur Cargo Boeing 747 was previously operated by Iran’s Mahan Airlines and has been sanctioned by the US since 2008 for its links to Iran’s Quds Force.
