A group of chassidic tourists from Israel was astounded when they visited a beis kevaros in the Netherlands on Friday and discovered the kever of a Jew who lost his life in the Titanic disaster – on that very day 110 years ago. The group visited the cemetery this past Friday, the 28th of Nissan. The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, which coincided with the 28th of Nissan that year, the yahrzeit of Yaakov [Jakob] Birnbaum, z’l. Birnbaum, who was aboard the Titanic after spending Pesach with his family in Antwerp, was one of the 1,517 people who died in the disaster. After his body was found in the sea 12 days later, his body was transferred to his family in Antwerp and he was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Putte, Netherlands.
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