As Republican Senator David Perdue faces off against Democratic candidate Jon Ossof, little remains taboo, including extending the contender's nose

Jon Ossoff says 'digital attack' on his face by David Perdue is 'oldest, most obvious, least original anti-Semitic trope in history;' Perdue claims alteration a 'vendor error'

As start date draws nearer, more Democrats warn against Netanyahu's plan to extend sovereignty over West Bank territory

33-year-old Jewish media executive is known for breaking fundraising records during a 2017 special election loss for a US House seat

Voting hours extended in many places after long lines caused by technical glitches, lack of poll workers, high turnout; calls for investigation into state's handling of the vote

Seven Democrats seek Republican incumbent David Purdue's spot, and two that of Johnny Isakson, who's retiring due to poor health; both lists feature prominent Jewish names
