A residential or communal saferoom is best, then a building shelter or public shelter. If those aren't available, head for an internal stairwell or a room without external walls

Military sources say no organized terror group involved in attempts; expert says projectiles aren't comparable to Hamas' early Kassam rockets

It's too early to fully assess damage to nature caused by rockets and incendiary devices from coastal enclave, parks authority says

Residents and emergency room doctors alike have lived stoically through innumerable rounds of conflict with nearby Gaza, but internal Arab-Jewish violence has them shocked

Series of stunning images from the AFP news agency highlights macabre dance that plays out in the skies as Israel tries to thwart massive rocket fire from Gaza

Though tactically a runaway success, some believe the active missile defense system blunted Israel's traditional boldness and gave leaders cover to let the Hamas threat fester

Experts warn that resilience learned in times of terror may not be enough to equip people emotionally for the new reality