Preliminary conversations held over practicalities of potential court appearance by ex-US president as part of probe into hush money paid to women who allege sexual encounters

Supreme Court nomination event eyed as source of infections; along with president, 2 key Republican senators, former Trump adviser, and 3 members of press corps found positive

Husband George Conway, a prominent Washington lawyer, also to step back from public life 24 hours after teenage daughter tweets she is seeking emancipation

US president aims to shift race away from being a referendum on his handling of the pandemic and economic collapse

Top adviser to US president says he aims to be 'agent for peace in the Middle East,' calls fears of backlash to planned move a 'scare tactic'

John Lewis lauded for his decades of work campaigning for civil rights ; Anti-Defamation League calls Democratic lawmaker 'our nation’s moral compass'

US president accused 'fake news' media of spreading idea, even though top officials in his administration specifically quoted him as saying so

Kellyanne Conway says US president will always 'consider his options' for talks, administration doesn't rule out retaliatory strikes on Iranian oil fields

Counselor to US president asks question in response to query over which nations Trump was referring to when he said American politicians should go back to their countries of origin