Video shows soldiers hauling kids away to Kiryat Arba police station; minors said released after several hours, with two to be summoned for interrogations on Sunday

Justices slam Kiryat Arba's neglect of 30% of its population after local council violates court order to allow mix-gendered swimming

As judge reads out decision, victim's wife faints, family shouts at relatives of Palestinian attacker and is removed from room

Incident comes hours after woman in her 50s brandished weapon at security forces near Jerusalem's Damascus Gate

In phone call, Macron and Abdullah reaffirm support for two state solution and agree to stay in contact to 'avoid a dangerous rise in tension'

PM says the small community located in the heart of the Palestinian city will become an official part of the Jewish state

Officer lightly injured after trying to stop vehicle for routine check and hit by side mirror; incident does not appear to be an intentional attack
