Bringing a leading planner on board, organization seeks to preserve trees and expand woodland countrywide, including by refining the very definition of forest

Airports Authority urged change to flight paths and avoid 500 million birds traversing country, which present 'aviation safety issue par excellence'

Organization says its confab in Basel is meant to send a message to 'millions of Jews' about Zionism, but they can't even watch most of the invite-only event online

Woods are popular with hikers, cyclists and families; JNF ask people to avoid the area amid efforts to control flames

Annual State of Nature report highlights negative consequences of galloping urbanization amid population growth, but notes increase in protected open space

Since 1932, every four years, 10,000 or so athletes converge in Israel for the world’s largest Jewish athletic competition; here is a trip down the Jewish sports memory lane

Higher than average temperatures are coupled with strong easterly winds, a combination that experts warn can lead to devastating blazes

As the nation girds for fire season, communities in the Mateh Yehuda Regional Council threatened by a large blaze last year are being accused of ignoring advice to avoid a repeat

Report, which says state has no strategic action plan for dealing with decline, coincides with battle between green organizations, environment minister over biodiversity bill

The 15-year-olds face charges of endangering human lives, conspiracy to commit a crime; Shin Bet probed case as a potential 'terror incident'
