Political writer Tal Schneider discusses National Unity party's candidates; US correspondent Jacob Magid explains unfolding Jewish school scandal and US reaction to Abu Akleh probe

Snap survey, taken before Bennett had announced he was handing party leadership to Shaked, puts potential Netanyahu-led bloc at 63 seats in the 120-member Knesset

'He put out a statement to hurt me,' David Amsalem says in response to ex-PM's disavowal of comments on adding 'anti-Zionist' Islamist faction to a potential government

Defense minister calls for 'broad unity government' after elections, which Sa'ar predicts will result in renewed gridlock, with neither the ex-PM nor his rivals securing a majority

In political earthquake, Bennett and Lapid admit efforts to salvage government have been 'exhausted'; will deliver primetime televised statement, as Israel faces new elections

The Jewish state had national votes every 2.3 years on average – the shortest time between cycles among 20 democratic countries examined

Blue and White could position itself as a responsible opposition by backing PM's virus crisis management, and fighting him on everything else. It could always depose him later

Yousef Makladeh says that many Arabs deserted Zionist parties for the alliance of Arab-majority factions, with party getting some 87% of votes cast by Arabs

By forcing new elections over ultra-Orthodox draft bill, Yisrael Beytenu chief hopes to establish himself as new champion of secular Israel. It's already gotten him lots of free PR

Premier reportedly doing all he can to avoid snap polls, 24 hours before deadline; even if deal reached, lack of time will likely force him to hand URWP's Smotrich justice ministry
