Derech Eretz MK Zvi Hauser, who leads the powerful Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, calls proposed deal that would release Palestinian security prisoners 'outrageous'

Self-described right-wing MKs lament lack of leadership from Netanyahu, who they say has become obsessed with his own legal and political survival: 'This government has failed'

Both Derech Eretz lawmakers seem set to back Likud MK, who's forming a movement to challenge Netanyahu for premiership; colleagues from Likud may follow

Members of Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee question Israel giving its blessing for US to sell stealth fighter jets to Abu Dhabi, ask why Defense Ministry was kept in dark

Plenum approves stopgap motion 58-38, giving security agency limited powers to use its tech to aid in coronavirus contact tracing, as legislators work on more permanent methods

Rising infection rate drives urgent push for stopgap legislation while lawmakers work on more comprehensive bill that addresses privacy concerns

Violators will be forced to pay NIS 500; vote delayed on legislation granting Shin Bet authority to use digital surveillance to contain virus spread

Assuming chairmanship of Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Derech Eretz MK says he'll provide civilian oversight to the military to help Israel through tumultuous period

Deputy attorney general says Netanyahu hasn't decided if he will advance legislation to continue controversial program; panel head Ashkenazi says government faces 'tough decision'

MKs raise concerns over wording of bill that would allow program to be extended, leading government to announce a rethink; Shin Bet racking of carriers ongoing
