Yaakov Shwekey New Album Coming…

Yaakov Shwekey literally JUST released his L’Chaim – A Toast To Life album, but his next one is already in the works. Shwekey was seen recording for his next album when he visited Israel for vacation.

Shmueli Ungar To Release 2 NEW albums
Shmueli Ungar announced he was working on On Stage 2 a few weeks ago, and has since made a ton of progress. Recently Shmueli said he’s already started working on his next original album, but “On Stage 2” is his main focus right now.

Yoni Z Working On NEW Album – Behind The Scenes
Yoni Z’s 2nd album is around the corner expected to be released in-time for Purim! It’s been about 4 years since Yoni’s first album, and this album has been in the works for a while – but it will definitely be amazing.

Yoni revealed things about his new album in an interview we did with him.

Itzik Eshel Released A Brand New Song Entitled Rak Elecha

Read: Mordechai Shapiro BRAND NEW ALBUM | Mordechai Shapiro 4

Baruch Levine & Benny Friedman 2.22.2022
Baruch Levine and Benny Friedman are scheduled to release a brand new song and music video with the Vezakeini project on 2.22.2022.

The Vezakeini project originally started with just a few people and has now grown to thousands participants.

Ari Goldwag NEW Album Expected ANY DAY NOW
Ari Goldwag’s new album is scheduled to come out any day now.

After being announced around a year ago when Ari raised tens of thousands of dollars for a “new album 2021”, Ari’s newest album is finally here.

Though it isn’t the year 2021 anymore, Ari’s album will definitely be a hit, and we can’t wait to hear it!

Mordechai Shapiro 4 | BRAND NEW ALBUM
Mordechai Shapiro announced his 4th album almost a year ago, and its been in the works since. Mordy has been slowly making progress for what seems to be a June of 2022 album release date.

Mordechai Shapiro is long overdue for an album. His latest one, Hakol Mishamayim came out in June of 2019.

Dovid Pearlman NEW Song “AFRAID OF FLYING”
Dovid Pearlman announced he was working on new music a few months ago. He’s been working on his newest song and video for a while, and it looks to be one of his best yet!

Afraid Of Flying is out now. Composed by Chayala Newhouse this song is sure to be one of this years biggest hits.

Where Is Abie Rotenberg’s New Album Journeys 5?
According to information known to Jewish Hock Abie Rotenberg’s new album Journeys 5 was supposed to be released February 15th.

As of now no information is known on why the album wasn’t released on February 15th or when the album might get released. Hopefully this is just a short delay, and the album will be out soon.
