Renewed violence has claimed 5 lives in 3 days in Ein el-Hilweh, with forces loyal to Abbas and extremist rivals saying they'll abide by ceasefire

Soldiers locate unlaunched projectiles in southern Qlaileh area, after about 34 were fired from territory on Thursday night; Hanegbi defends Israeli response as 'not weak'

Move marks first time Washington has paid salaries of Lebanese security personnel as economic crisis causes crash in pay

Defense minister says 'citizens of Lebanon are not our enemies,' but implies offers of assistance were turned down

Arabic spokesperson says Ali Kajak's presence near frontier in civilian dress shows group's 'disregard for Lebanon's sovereignty, international resolutions'

Both suspects flee the scene; in unrelated incident, man crosses from Israel into Lebanon

Military says one attacker dead, others fled

Hezbollah leader won't comment further on exchange of fire, cryptically saying he will do so at a more appropriate time

Lebanese army says sites bombed by IDF after troops come under fire belong to 'Green Without Borders,' an environmental group long seen as a Hezbollah front

Incident occurs after IDF tanks and troops cross security fence, while remaining on Israeli side of Blue Line; UN peacekeepers arrive on scene
