Ex-premier cuts vacation short to return to home, with allies telling British media he's 'up for it,' as Conservative rival Rishi Sunak reaches minimum threshold to contest for job

Conservative leader's resignation after just 45 days in office triggers yet another race for party chief, who will become fifth British premier in six years

Former PM said to believe it's in the 'national interest' for him to join the race to succeed Liz Truss; opposition leader says scandal-ridden politician is 'unfit' to govern

Short stint as premier marred by backflip on economic policy; new Conservative Party leader to be chosen by October 28, but Opposition Leader Keir Starmer demands early elections

British press ravages Truss, saying she is 'clinging to power' with 'authority in tatters,' as another minister resigns and conservative lawmakers rebel

Home Secretary Suella Braverman quits after breaching security rules; PM under fire from opposition and own party for bungled economic plan that sent pound spiraling

UK's new PM goes from triumph to deep trouble in 6 weeks, amid multiple U-turns on a failed economic policy; officials said to hold secret meeting on her potential ouster

Embattled PM tries to restore order after three weeks of turmoil sparked by the government’s tax-cutting 'mini budget'; Kwarteng replaced with former cabinet minister Jeremy Hunt

Patriarchs and heads of churches fear acceptance of Israel's 'military occupation' and 'unilateral annexation' of East Jerusalem if London shifts location of its mission

Spokesperson for Justin Welby says he's worried about impact of moving diplomatic mission from Tel Aviv without a peace deal, Jewish News reports
