In Gulf of Eilat, expert warns corals could bleach if pollution allowed to continue on top of marine heating

Marine mammal expert says the species, a kind of dolphin, has been seen closer to shore over past 3 years

Corals bleached by rising sea temperatures rise and sun glares flushing out algae that give them their color, are relocated once rehabilitated

Marine experts rush to understand cause of mass die-offs of keystone species that feeds on algae, as pathogenic parasite spreads quickly, killing the creatures within 48 hours

Study shows that corals in dark zones of sea that must supplement food obtained by photosynthesis use fluorescence to lure small creatures such as plankton into their mouths

The Coast Patrol, a marine preservation organization run entirely by volunteers, completes maiden voyage for new program aimed at educating youngsters on protecting the sea

Discovered during past decade, Palmachim Disturbance to get protected status; includes rare corals, squid, sharks, methane springs, breeding grounds for endangered species

Evtach Marine Reserve, offshore between Ashdod and Ashkelon, will help rehabilitate area damaged by aggressive fishing, boosters say

Tel Aviv University research shows human pressure is hurting marine wildlife living close to edges of such regions; in Israel, protected zones are showing positive signs

Aim is to provide first blueprint of another animal's language, using robot fish to record sperm whale talk, and cutting-edge machine learning and linguistics methods to decode it
