While meat industry insists ships meet regulations, activists say treatment of animals imported for fattening and slaughter violates animal welfare laws

Agriculture Ministry says a record 856,630 calves and lambs shipped to Israel in 2021; 7 bills in Knesset seek to halt live shipments within 3 years, import chilled meat instead

More than half a million animals transported to country in first six months of 2021, up 59% over same period last year

Rights group slams Agriculture Ministry for ignoring state comptroller call to import more chilled meat, reduce animal suffering at sea

Statute of limitations prevents further action against cattle workers who shot and electrocuted animals 'for fun' at farms that send live animals to Israel for slaughter

Alannah MacTiernan says she will fast-track regulations requiring pain relief for stock before de-horning, after secretly filmed material shows workers abusing animals

Secretly filmed footage portrays workers beating, kicking, electrocuting, standing on and shooting at animals for fun, denying them painkillers and vet visits to save money

Prof. Nir Avieli answers your searing questions about Israel's love of fire-roasted meat, and how the barbecue fits into the heart of its national identity

Agriculture Ministry statistics find chicken purchases increase by 150%, Israelis throw away more than NIS 1.1 billion worth of food before and after holiday