Twelve musicians from Israel and abroad will perform and jam with audiences for a week as part of Árkho project, at Israel-Palestinian culture house
Points: 7
Itay Mautner and Michal Vaknin will lead veteran cultural event ahead of its 61st year
Points: -1
Mekudeshet cultural organization offers care packages, communal gatherings and a new home for 'new format in same field'
Points: 4
Here are some podcasts, one-time performances, neighborly get-togethers and virtual talks for whiling away Jerusalem's hot summer days
Points: -7
Envisioned at half the height of London Eye, attraction is one of many being considered to upgrade 'visitor experience' at the Armon Hanatziv Promenade
Points: -2
Israeli concert and festival producers up in arms about lost income and lack of work due to the coronavirus
Audiences gather for a unique Mekudeshet event in Jerusalem as over 100 musicians and composers put on a musical celebration
Points: -5
'Window Stories,' the first installment of this year's Mekudeshet Festival, was created to remember artist and activist Yoram Amir, who died in March
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