Gilad Erdan reads out names of fallen Israelis to council members, lights memorial candle in chamber, says UN rejected requests to move session to another day

Main ceremonies to begin after 2-minute nationwide siren at 11 a.m., with Netanyahu and Herzog attending at Mount Herzl; Ben Gvir going to Beersheba after bucking calls to stay out

'We must not violate the sanctity of Memorial Day,' rival politicians say in rare show of agreement, reflecting gravity of fears ministers will be heckled at cemetery ceremonies

In letter, defense minister says lawmakers must refrain from divisive comments on ‘one of the most sensitive and sacred’ days of the year, as authorities seek to tamp down tensions

At controversial event, grieving families recount stories of lost loved ones and call for peace, end to Israeli 'occupation'; some coalition lawmakers attend, sparking criticism

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

At celebratory event in Jerusalem, Netanyahu contravenes tradition by issuing video speech; Pfizer CEO hailed as a Jewish hero, lauds 'groundbreaking' vaccination campaign

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

3 wounded in blast at international ceremony attended by representatives of several countries; terror group says French diplomats were targeted

Coronavirus reshapes solemn holiday, with car convoys and small ceremonies honoring American war dead alongside tributes to virus fatalities and front line health care workers
