Intel report says Tehran committed to becoming dominant power in Middle East, warns it is making rapid progress developing attack drones and other missile systems

Spokesperson for presidential contender clarifies her 'get out' of the region remarks during Democratic debate did not refer to support forces

One expert says troop pullout will impact US credibility for years to come; another believes president's stock in Mideast has plummeted while Putin's is skyrocketing

The often violent upheaval sweeping the Middle East in the last decade has also spurred women to cling to gains earned as they fight, and rebuild, alongside men

Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie warns it is too early to tell if Tehran has abandoned plans for potential actions against American interests that accelerated deployment last month

Live action remake of 1992 Disney movie manages to partially rectify history of stereotyping of Middle Easterners, but it still leaves much to be desired

America maintains a vast network of bases, troops and assets throughout the region, to the chagrin of Tehran
