After outgoing health minister lashed out at ministry's director, report cites one unnamed cabinet member insisting Litzman 'didn't sound the alarm at any stage'

Yaakov Litzman, who came under heavy criticism for his handling of crisis, says Netanyahu acceded to Moshe Bar Siman-Tov's 'overblown' assessment of pandemic danger

Yitzhak Cohen says he doesn't want to hurt chances of current minister getting another cabinet post, after top court questioned transition government's authority to name ministers

Project will add 176 homes to Nof Zion, located in Jabel Mukaber; Housing Ministry said to revive another plan for up to 11,000 units on site of Atarot Airport

The spike in real estate prices has made millionaires out of homeowners, while renters suffer; solutions exist, but nothing scares politicians more than taxing wealthy voters
