Miri Regev says she will appoint confidant Moshe Ben Zaken as acting deputy director general, then try again in six months to have him made full director general

Transportation minister says works planned for Saturdays to be spread across weekdays, while key safety works will continue as planned; predecessor decries 'surrender to blackmail'

Legal officials say there's obstacle to approving appointment of Miri Regev confidant; former Levin adviser with no legal qualifications okayed as Justice Ministry director general

Likud-held Transportation Ministry officials refuse, warning of service delays if maintenance is pushed to weekdays

Transportation Minister Miri Regev's pick for ministry's director-general rejected by vetting committee, but she vows to move ahead with nomination regardless

Transportation minister says she'll also cancel electric vehicle tax, push regulations to stop children being forgotten in cars: 'I didn't come here to apologize, I came to govern'

Defense minister says classified intelligence shows pair poses 'high level of danger' to state security and public safety; notes some 1,000 Palestinians held under similar orders

But reports say Gali Baharav-Miara expected to express reservations over proposed amendment that would allow Shas chief to serve as minister despite suspended jail sentence

PM-designate said to be considering two-year terms each for Likud loyalist, ex-envoy Ron Dermer for top diplomat post; Miri Regev to head Education Ministry, says Israeli TV

Airports Authority head says board needs to meet to discuss roll-out of pilot program during election season; transportation minister warns that delay risks hampering ties with US
