Defense contractor displays new artificial intelligence-powered military hardware, techniques that it says will shape the battlefield of the future

Move comes as part of military's Momentum Plan, meant to free up resources for more advanced aircraft; troops to be moved to other units

Army looks to give high-powered tech to ground troops and improve communication between military branches as part of multi-year Momentum Plan

Innovative detachment was created as part of military's multiyear plan; is meant to come up with and try out new fighting techniques

In streamlining effort, search-and-rescue Unit 669, Shaldag commando unit, and outfit that builds airfields behind enemy lines to combine into Aerial Special Forces Wing

Decision to scrap the exercise, in which thousands of reservists were to take part, comes amid negotiations between military and treasury over defense budget

Second officer, Brig. Gen. Tomer Bar, also goes up in rank as he takes over newly restructured position focused on developing new fighting techniques

At ceremony marking military's role in COVID-19 response, Kohavi says relative calm should not lull country into complacency

As part of military's Momentum Plan, Ramat David airbase's 117th First Jet Squadron to close, ending its 67-year history

Another air force officer also slated to command newly formed Force Design Directorate, as military announces fresh appointments
