“Nolad ben Zachar Nisrapeh Kol Hamishpachah”. Those are the only words that come to mind after hearing the bittersweet news that Reb Shlomo Birnhak Z”L, who was tragically killed in a car crash last night, had a son early this morning. Bichasdei Hashem, the baby is healthy, while Mrs Birnhak is is still being treated for serious injuries. Also R”L killed in the crash was his father-in-law, Reb Aryeh Shmuel Deutsch Z”L, also a Skverer Chosid, and on Tuesday afternoon – his sister in law Tziporah Deutsch A”H, 20-years-old. Both Levayos were held on Monday night in New Square, and were attended by hundreds upon hundreds of people. The Skverer Rebbe attended both Levayos as well. One was held at 8:30PM, and the second one was held at 2:30AM – both at the main Skverer Bais Medrash.
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