Smaller than a grain of rice and created from stem cells, organoid connected to sensors reveals previously unknown aspects of cardiac physiology

Eight of 15 patients who receive NG-01 therapy as spinal injection see better disability scores; inventors say therapy may ‘dramatically improve’ patients' lives

Harvard researcher says developing a vaccine or treatment for Epstein-Barr infection 'could ultimately prevent or cure MS'

Small study saw improvement in 73% of multiple sclerosis patients who got spinal injection containing treatment made from their own cells; larger trials now planned

30 multiple sclerosis patients in Jerusalem who took antioxidant-rich food supplement for 3 months saw 'significant cognitive improvement'

Ex-NBA coach says he has adopted strict exercise regimen to prevent muscle deterioration, vows to continue helming Greek team Olympiacos

Breakthrough may lead to new drugs for the 30%-40% of epilepsy sufferers who don't respond to existing treatments