Atheists, agnostics and religiously unaffiliated people in Arab world tell about the various ways they get around while avoiding persecution

A recent string of public desecrations of the Quran by anti-Islam activists has sparked angry demonstrations in Muslim countries

Visiting the capital weeks after normalization deal was announced, a ToI journalist finds pragmatism -- and a family with Jewish roots who claim anti-Semitism sucked them dry

French leader depicted with Hitler mustache in Turkey as Muslims worldwide protest Paris's defense of murdered teacher who showed drawing of Mohammed

Police presence boosted at religious sites as interior minister says country faces a 'very high' risk of terrorist threats

At Islamic conference in Malaysia, Rouhani suggests creation of special banking and financial mechanism among Muslim nations

Since her father's death, Huda Nasrallah, a Christian, has demanded an equal share of property left to her two brothers; Islamic inheritance laws favor male heirs

Officials in the Muslim nation say Trump's 2017 recognition of the city as Israel's capital sparked tensions in the Muslim world

Riyadh's foreign minister says attacks on oil installations must be addressed with 'firmness and determination'