Netanyahu, now the opposition chief, is still using the PM's residence on Balfour Street as if he hasn't been voted out of office, exploiting the lack of clear rules of transition

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

PM's office said to deny Channel 12 report; Arab affairs analyst reportedly to be appointed senior adviser

Lt. Col. Levy of Sayeret Matkal recalls 'considerate and calm' team leader; new premier visits grave of fallen comrade Emmanuel Moreno

In his bid last year to tear the Gantz-led opposition apart, the Likud leader brought strange new institutions into being. His opponents could not have united without them

Outgoing PM skips traditional photo of handover with successor, tells opposition bloc he'll topple new government based on 'fraud, hate and power-seeking'

Ex-PM, ironically, paved the path for new coalition. His shunning of the traditional handover of power, after his graceless Knesset speech, underlines why his departure was overdue

Abu Dhabi says it is hoping to work together 'to advance regional peace,' begin new era of technology, trade, and investment

New leaders take reins at a flurry of ceremonies and meetings, setting policy goals and taking fire from former ministers now in opposition

Investor service sees government's 'lack of ideological cohesion' as incentive for it to focus on economic policies
