TV host Maya Wertheimer and former PM Naftali Bennett are among those using ongoing conflict to try and help people find their soulmates
The post Serving up love: Israelis see war as catalyst to matchmake appeared first on The Times of Israel.

National Security Adviser Hanegbi says Doha an 'essential party in facilitation of humanitarian solution,' after Hamas frees several hostages; Qatari FM says talks continuing

Former PM is the latest senior official to acknowledge culpability; Netanyahu has so far refrained from shouldering any of the blame

Calls made for police bribery probe of Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi, formerly of Meretz, over reports she has taken a position in the Interior Ministry

Court awards tens of thousands in compensation from rabbi; judge asks former PM to reduce claim in 2nd case

Years in the making, 'Wing of Zion' plane expected to bring Israeli delegation to Dubai climate conference, after controversial jet was mothballed by Bennett last year

Naftali Bennett says that all the Palestinians killed in West Bank incursion were combatants. 'Terrorists -- but children,' responds interviewer Anjana Gadgil

5 years after stone collapse at holy site, authorities have yet to reopen access to Wall at egalitarian section; religious activists argue delay is deliberate

Rabbi Ronen Shaulov apologizes for false claims about ex-PM and his parents; court to decide at future date on damages, which Bennett has said he'll donate

Data shows less than $270,000 spent on residences of both Bennett and Lapid in 2022, compared to $685,000 spent by Netanyahu family on homes in Jerusalem, Caesarea in 2019
