US officials tell NYT drone attack not aimed at stopping weapons exports to Russia; ex-PM Bennett says he intensified Iran strikes after plot to kill Israelis in Turkey, Cyprus

Dismissals appear to be extension of effort by premier to clear house of those who worked in previous government, to ensure that those who remain are loyal to him

Premier's aides reportedly seeking to bring in loyalists in place of officials brought on by Bennett and Lapid, who decries 'witch hunt'

Netanyahu fan called left-wingers 'traitors,' 'spawn of the devil,' lauded Nazi leader for 'preventing 6 million more,' called Bennett a 'terrorist' and wished death for his family

Incoming prime minister to forgo traditional process, over a year after he denied a similar ceremony for Bennett who took over as premier in June 2021

Clip from November shows US president telling activists who pulled him aside in California that he won't declare publicly that deal is dead; Bennett takes credit for development

Myrna Bennett says she's 'very proud' of her son for suing Ronen Shaulov, but adds: 'I don't know if one can change lies that run so deep'

In series of lawsuits, former prime minister takes aim at a number of figures who allegedly spread false information while he was in office

The Religious Zionism leader's political ascent has been marked by extreme positions from the start. He now stands on the cusp of having the ability to realize his far-right vision

Former PM says he and Arab party leader found common ground as 'men of faith'; says his government decided to work only on the 70% of issues that 70% of Israelis agree on
