Former PM, who's not running in next week's election, urges calming of discourse; Smotrich says his shortened military service should not disqualify him from being defense minister

5 Palestinian gunmen killed in raid, including Lion's Den terror leader; 6th killed in clash near Ramallah; Gantz: 'No sanctuary cities for terrorists'; general strike in Nablus

Physicist bequeathed his archives to the Hebrew University, and curator Roni Grosz says its 85,000 items make it the world's most extensive collection

Upon his death, the famous physicist bequeathed his writings and archive to the Hebrew University; these are now expected to go on display

Move could leave Lapid in sole control of government until new coalition formed; Bennett office's says he'll decide on moves once ballots cast

PM says he hopes Jews will remember 'we are one people, with one shared story, with one shared home' as Israeli leaders send new year's greetings

Ukrainian leader complains of Jerusalem's refusal to provide air defense systems to his country, indicates its leaders have been disingenuous

Prime minister slated to offer 'hope and vision through strength'; right-wing ministers criticize intended remarks, while lawmakers from left support move and urge talks with Abbas

Interior minister disavows Lapid-Bennett coalition, insists she upheld right-wing policies while serving, but refuses to resign

Former PM offers veiled criticism of long-time ally as she moves rightward in bid to gain support ahead of election; Shaked defends the shift, saying she's 'returned home'
