Abdullah Bin Zayed and PM will give joint statements before Emirati top diplomat heads to reception marking 2 years since historic peace pact

Channel 12 reports that Abdullah bin Zayed will meet Lapid, Herzog, Netanyahu and Bennett, with Iran nuclear talks likely at top of the agenda

Ukrainian leader also seeks 'practical assistance' for war effort; Lapid highlights support for war-torn nation, warns again against visiting Uman for Rosh Hashanah pilgrimage

Despite murmurs of sides nearing restoration of JCPOA, Washington and Tehran remain far apart on some issues, with Israeli leaders and others seeking to put kibosh on accord

Political correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn on MK Itamar Ben Gvir's call for transferring the disloyal; news editor Amy Spiro goes deep on the heroine of 1975's Savoy Hotel attack

Ex-PM departs his own party in tactical move letting allies join other parties; coalition lawmakers reject Idit Silman's similar request, meaning she must now quit Knesset to run

Interior Minister Shaked fails to block former AG and Supreme Court justice; move has raised intense ire in opposition

Arab MKs lambaste 'war crimes' in the Strip, but other politicians strongly approve of military offensive after days of Islamic Jihad threats to South

PM makes veiled reference to country's purported nukes, in apparent warning to Tehran; Alternative PM Bennett says 'enormous resources' put into preventing nuclear-armed Iran

Former PM, who is not running in upcoming national election and has been noticeably absent from cabinet meetings since coalition's demise, said to prefer to remain below the radar
