Netanyahu says comments by Shimrit Meir proof that Lapid will not be able to form a government without being 'blackmailed' by majority-Arab parties, whom he too has courted

Likud leader offers incoming premier four months of quiet, but indicates opposition won't lay down arms in run up to new elections as sides fail to come to terms on defense updates

On his first day, new premier slated to sit down with Shin Bet chief, then hold a meeting on the issue of Hamas captives; in first, PM's office to be headed by woman

Shimrit Meir, who resigned as PM's foreign policy adviser last month, suggests 'everything started to go totally downhill' when Yamina MK Idit Silman defected

The new interim PM managed, briefly, to assemble a coalition that ousted the Likud leader from power. Without Bennett, but with the premiership, how does he aim to repeat the feat?

Israel's 14th premier visits Yad Vashem, vows Israel will always defend itself, hours after Knesset disbands and votes to hold November elections; will later meet President Herzog

The 58-year-old Tel Aviv native has had a turbulent decade-long political career, from Netanyahu's finance minister to his key rival

Parliament formally disperses a year after inauguration of diverse coalition, sending Israel to its 5th national vote in less than 4 years

Snap survey, taken before Bennett had announced he was handing party leadership to Shaked, puts potential Netanyahu-led bloc at 63 seats in the 120-member Knesset

In emotional speech, outgoing prime minister lauds his government's achievements, calls for national unity and says No. 2 Ayelet Shaked will take over Yamina leadership
