Israeli TV says outgoing PM floated possible retirement at meeting with Yamina MKs; also reportedly offered high-level posts to rebel lawmaker Orbach in exchange for resigning

Premier notes 'heavy price' of having criminal defendant form government but insists matter should be left up to voters, not the Knesset via legislation

Political correspondent Tal Schneider on the process of breaking up the coalition and religion reporter Judah Ari Gross on what the ultra-Orthodox parties are saying

Earliest parliament is expected to complete process of disbanding is Monday; opposition MKs rejoice as coalition lawmakers decry 'sad day for democracy'

In phone call in wake of Bennett's announcement on Knesset dissolution, the two highlight importance of Biden's upcoming trip, thank each other for partnership

First of votes to disband government set to take place Wednesday morning, with process expected to wrap up next week, as polls predict political deadlock after elections

Gendarmes division will be formed under existing Border Police branch; to include both active, reserve, and volunteer officers

Haviv Rettig Gur puts pieces together as Israel gears up for a 5th election in less than 4 years; military reporter Emanuel Fabian talks Abu Akleh probe, regional cooperation

The decision to seek elections and transition to caretaker status was not much of a surprise after a year of endless fights. Now the battle over the next election round begins

Bringing forward vote from next week intended to stymie efforts by Netanyahu-led Likud to form an alternative government without going to elections
