Most ruling party members have long-shunned visits to the holy site, both for security and religious reasons, but a new breed of Likud MKs are following the lead of the far-right

A founder of the settler movement, who coined the term Gush Emunim, Druckman influenced country's top leaders as an educator and major force in Israeli society

Opposition leader calls on Religious Zionism's Bezalel Smotrich and Otzma Yehudit's Itamar Ben Gvir to end dispute and form alliance to ensure 'strong, stable' national government

Morocco-born politician is buried in Ramle, where he served as mayor in the 1970s; PM hails his support for disenfranchised

Shas, UTJ and National Religious Party lawmakers pan Knesset hopeful Gilad Kariv, say he represents a dangerous 'cult'; Kariv: Proof of need for non-Orthodox representation

Ben Gvir says that in talks with Netanyahu associates ahead of far-right merger, both sides recognized that PM can't form right-wing coalition without his slate in Knesset

Galit Distal Atbaryan will be placed at number 10 on the ruling party's electoral list for the March election; negotiations still ongoing for other spots to be chosen by PM

Netanyahu has been pushing alliance, which will also include the anti-LGBT Noam party, over concerns factions would fall under electoral threshold if they ran alone

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

PM said to offer National Religious Party's Smotrich free extra seat on Likud slate, settlement construction plans in exchange for merging with Otzma Yehudit