Missionary group is revamping New Testament in Yiddish for the first time in 80 years, part of a broader outreach effort aimed at the most insular Jewish communities in the US

In a new book, Prof. James McGrath wonders 'What Jesus Learned from Women' -- and the answers may surprise you

Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Brettler parse opposing interpretations Jews and Christians have of the same Bible, and make the argument that religion doesn't have to be a zero-sum game

Olive grove where Jesus spent a night of agony, accepted his betrayal, and was arrested ahead of his crucifixion has until now had no physical link to Second Temple era

Timing of upcoming planetary conjunction has led to speculation of ties to biblical tale; but it's likelier story was intended to convey theological rather than astronomical truths

Gospels conflict on location of his birth; belief may have caught on because the Christian messiah is supposed to be descended from King David, as Jesus was, and born in the city

Colorful 6th-century Byzantine design indicates miracle took place on the opposite side of sea from traditionally assigned spot, archaeologist proposes; other team member disagrees

References to the ancient Jewish sect, a precursor of rabbinic Judaism criticized by Jesus, were for centuries an expression of Christian anti-Semitism