Recently reinstated presidential honor given to Nicos Anastasiades as Jerusalem seeks to keep Nicosia and Athens close despite rapprochement with Turkey

Meeting chaired by Egyptian and Cypriot presidents is culmination of 3-year regional process; Lebanese PM's office downplays significance of appearance alongside Israel

President Herzog says that while Israel is seeking 'a true dialogue' with Ankara, 'strategic relationship' with divided island won't be harmed

On official visit to Cyprus, president says Russian invasion of Ukraine is 'an affront to international order,' Israel helping in diplomatic efforts to end conflict

PM alludes to ongoing military campaign as he heads into summit with Greek and Cypriot leaders; vows, 'We will continue to act'

Jerusalem responds to plea from neighboring island nation, will also send fire retardant materials

Agreement will mutually recognize coronavirus vaccination documents, enabling the inoculated to travel freely between the two countries; expected to be implemented in a month

Nicosia says visit by Nicos Anastasiades pushed off because of coronavirus concerns, as Cyprus prepares to open tourist season after removing Israel from low-risk group

Reported visits to Jerusalem would be among the first for senior foreign officials since the start of the pandemic

19-year-old lodged complaint against group of 12 Israeli teens, then retracted it, leading to conviction that could see her spend a year behind bars
