What was supposed to be a unified statement instead exposes the fissures between 5 large groups as they walk a tightrope issuing unprecedented criticism of the Jewish state
Unlike the US, the European counterparts are more than ideological and geographic groups, and offer education and religious services for an annual fee; both models are evolving
Uri Shanas provides a platform for those wanting to help the environment, letting them vote on which parcel of threatened land should be purchased for preservation
International Refugees Assistance Project head Becca Heller says moratorium on issuing work permits ignores sacrifices made by non-citizens on 'front line' against COVID-19
Even while communities cannot come together physically, many are still organizing projects to provide support to those who are suffering or at perilous risk amid the pandemic
As airlines get bailout, nonprofits every bit as important and must be ready to help get back to normal once crisis has passed, says Jewish Federations of North America president
With no revenue for possibly months, and philanthropies likely to tighten belts due to financial crisis, JCCs, museums, camps, take cuts from which they may not soon recover
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